It's there! Most of the eateries in "College Town" had long since vanished, but my wife's favorite dining option is still open.
Read MoreI was introduced to the Rockefeller Habits by a former employee and good friend. I remember getting a copy and really enjoying the ideas of the "One Page Business Plan" and other very "accessible" ideas I could implement on a low budget. Fast forward a number of years and Verne Harnish has updated his original book and entitled it Scaling Up. After reading through Scaling Up, we decided that there were some great ideas for companies (or teams in larger organizations) to employ. We have added a couple of the Scaling Up tools to our own experience alongside many of the core Traction/EOS tools, ideas from Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints, and Covey's "Quadrant 2."
Read MoreI was introduced to the Entrepreunerial Operating System (EOS) and the book Traction by my friend Chuck Eapen, who is a C12 Chair in the Northern New Jersey area. The premise is that every well-run business needs a "system" by which to run the business, in the same way in which a computer needs an operating system. After reading the book Traction the first time, I did... nothing. Now, two years later we are not only getting great value from our EOS experience, but we have blended in some practices from Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, Verne Harnish's Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and Scaling Up, and key ideas from the Agile/Scrum software development practices. We have a little bit of Eli Goldratt's Theory of Constraints in there too!
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