The Leadership Genuis of Julius Caesar
What comes to mind when you hear the term, "Caesar"?
Iron Fist?
"So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)
Yeah, Julius Caesar was probably all of those things in one way or another. In the book, The Leadership Genius of Julius Caesar, author Phillip Barlag emphasizes the unexpected characteristics of mercy and restraint shown by the man who essentially coined the term "ruler".
Of particular note, Barlag makes the point (over and over again) that Caesar used his Power but seldom resorted to Force.
Using Force is when you exercise a positional authority to get your way. This might be through physical force, intimidation, or monetary control (think -- get all A's or no college tuition for you).
Power is more about influence.
A true leader has someone following them.
If you're not getting your way, consider Power, not Force.
It's a quick read (or listen), check it out at Amazon.