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Uh oh, did I say that?

Uh oh, did I say that?

One of the more sobering moments in my career was when I heard a staff member speaking in a manner that was not empathetic with our client. It wasn't a "I wish they were dead" kind of remark, but the kind of remark that you just knew was not healthy because it meant we weren't running through the wall for that client. It struck fear into my heart -- because I realized that they had learned that remark from me!

Culture matters -- everyone says say -- because it is true. The good and bad news is that it starts with the leader.

Here's a thought exercise for us:

Imagine everyone in the organization had the same attitude that I am exhibiting today.


Imagine you hear people in your company saying what you say.

Simple question -- "Would that be good or bad for the organization?"

If you lead your family, your organization, your community -- even, gulp, your country, realize that people are watching -- and emulating your speech, your actions, but most importantly, your attitude.

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