As your team matures, you will be ready to add increasingly sophisticated tools and practices to your operation. We call this the encouragework Maturity Model.
Stephen Covey produced a seminal work entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. One of the terms he introduced into the modern business lexicon is "Quadrant 2." encouragework provides an easy way to put Quadrant 2 into place for your teams.
When defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it is useful to have an understanding of the concept of "Leading" versus "Lagging" data.
encouragework in (short) book form. Take an hour, revolutionize your business.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are all around us. Learning how to make use of them effectively requires both knowledge and skill.
Learn about the primary financial statements of any organization: Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement.
Proverbs 27:23 "Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds;" (NIV)
Accrual and cash accounting: we need them both.
Learn how to use for your Traction/EOS teams.
Scaling Up offers excellent tools for maturing teams and is recommended for Teams further along the encouragework maturity model.
Scrum and Fibonacci: not a band, but they play well together at