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Helping Teams Finish Strong

Helping Teams Finish Strong

In today's All Pro Dad update, Benjamin Watson shares his experience of "Finishing the Drill" or "Finishing Strong". Drawing on his college and professional football experiences, Benjamin highlights three ideas for Finishing Strong:

  1. Perseverance in Difficulty
  2. Moral Character
  3. Commitment to Excellence

While the purpose of Benjamin's post is to encourage parents as they lead their children, I am struck by the question: "Which of those three do we want at home but not at work?" In my personal experience, all of these things apply in the work place as well.

Perseverance - It is easy to get inspired to do something new and bold but when we face headwinds, we turn back to what is comfortable instead of staying committed to our path, regardless of the obstacles.

Character - Strong leadership can help our teams keep focused on the right way to do things and not cut corners or make compromises where the "ends justify the means".

Excellence - A commitment to excellence is at the root of any organization worth being a part of. Strive for it at home. Strive for it at work. But be careful with this one in particular. A commitment to excellence does not mean that every last aspect of our day must be "excellent". This is a subtle but crucial point. We need to stay focused on our core purpose and mission -- there are some aspects of our day where "good enough" is "good enough". There is freedom in this message if we are ready to receive it. White Space at Work introduced this idea at the GLS 17. 

In case you are not familiar with All Pro Dad, here is what they say about themselves on their site.

All Pro Dad is on a mission to help you love and lead your family well. Be a hero to your kids. Join us.

We are a group of people passionately committed to bringing intentional focus to fathers around the world. Our message will inspire you to embrace who you are, give you tenderness of heart, and boldness of character as a dad and husband. We are consistently here for you to provide guidance and practical tips in raising your kids in a life giving way.

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